Unknown Egypt

Egypt – an interesting country

Unknown Egypt is a term referring to the cultural heritage of Egypt before ancient times, a period that is usually associated with pyramids, pharaohs and hieroglyphs. This period, which lasted from about 500 years BC to about the fifth century AD, is usually overlooked in popular studies on Egypt. However, unknown Egypt is also a period in which art, religion and philosophy developed and influenced the later history of the whole world. Read more

Unknown Egypt is a period that is divided into several subperiods. The first is the period of the so-called late prehistoric era, which lasted about 1,500 years, from about 5,000 to 3,500 BC. At that time, Egypt was inhabited by farmers and animal breeders who inhabited small villages on the Nile. During this period, ceramics, stone and metal processing also developed. The next period is the dynastic period, which lasted from about 3100 to about 2700 BC. At that time, the rulers of Egypt established a dynastic system that survived until Greek times. During this period, the art of making jewelry, ceramics and fabrics developed, as well as the art of writing and sculpture.

Another period is the ancient period, which lasted from about 2700 to about 2200 BC. During this period, Egypt became one of the most powerful countries in the world, and the pharaohs began to erect large structures such as pyramids and temples. During this period, religious culture also developed, and hieroglyphs became the main way of writing the Egyptian language. Another period is the middle period, which lasted from about 2200 to about 1600 BC. At that time, Egypt was divided into many small kingdoms that fought each other over dominance. During this period, the art of drawing and painting also developed. The next period is the modern period, which lasted from about 1600 to about 1100 BC. At that time, Egypt was under the rule of the Hyksos, who